
比華利山(物業管理)有限公司在本應用式所提供的資料只供參考之用。 雖然比華利山(物業管理)有限公司已盡力確保這個應用程式上的資料準確無誤, 但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。


The information provided by Beverly Hill (Estate Management) Limited in this application is for reference only. Whilst Beverly Hill (Estate Management) Limited endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information in this application, no express or implied warranty is given by Beverly Hill (Estate Management) Limited as to the accuracy of information.


比華利山(物業管理)有限公司會確保所有透過屋苑手機應用程式遞交的個人資料, 均按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》的有關條文處理。屋苑手機應用程式可能會於不同期間及為個別原因, 邀請你自願提供個人資料。此等資料可能包括姓名、電話號碼、地址或電郵地址。

Privacy Policy

Beverly Hill (Estate Management) Limited takes measures to ensure that all personal data submitted through the estate mobile app is handled in accordance with the relevant provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For different purposes and at different times you may be invited to provide personal data to the estate mobile app on a voluntary basis. Personal information may include your name, telephone number, address, or e-mail address.